
A Brief Overview Of Islamic Nasheeds

A nasheed (Arabic: nashīd, anāshīd, which means: "serenades or chants"; likewise known as nasyid in Malaysia and Indonesia) is a work of vocal music that is either sung a Capella or accompanied by percussion instruments, for example, the daf. When all is said in done, Islamic nasheeds don't contain lamella phone instruments, string instruments, or wind and metal instruments, albeit modern digital remastering – either to imitate percussion instruments or make tones – is allowed. This is on the grounds that numerous Muslim researchers express that Islam forbids the use of melodic instruments with the exception of some essential percussion. The reason that Islam has forbidden the use of such instruments is that these instruments make you addicted and make you enjoy the luxuries of the world, whereas the purpose of the birth of a human being is different in the religion of Islam. Muslim nasheeds are prevalent all through the Islamic world. The material and verses ...

Nasheeds - Awakening Spirituality

In Islam, Nasheeds are written and sung to praise Allah and express love for the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H). The poetry is selected very carefully to awaken spirituality. It is sung in such a way that it re-awakens and enriches feelings that one has for his creator. Islamic singers have been inspiring many for a long time. Islamic Nasheed only used vocals previously and no musical instruments, as there is a widespread belief about their non- permissibility in the religion. However, the past decade saw quite a few changes. They are used to bring people towards the teaching of Islam and to show what real Islam is. Modern day Islamic singers are using musical instruments to entice people towards the teachings of Islam and bring them closer to their true creator.  They have been able to inspire millions of souls. Usually, nasheeds are written to teach about the teachings of Islam and spread the message of the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H). They address adults, children and people fr...

4 Islamic Singers You Should Know

Islam has set certain boundaries when it comes to music and singing. Rest be assured it is not Haraam. Aisha (rta) enjoyed music and the Holy Prophet (PBUH) encouraged her to do so. An incident narrated by Ibn’ Abbas talks about     ‘A’ishah (rta) arranging the marriage of a close Ansari girl. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) also came to attend the ceremony. He inquired from the people: ‘Have you sent forth the bride?’ ‘Yes’, they replied. ‘Did you send any singer with her?’ He asked. ‘A’ishah (rta) replied that she had not. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) then remarked: ‘The Ansar cherish singing. It would be better that you sent along with her a singer who would sing.’ There are some modern Islamic singers that have modernised the tradition of singing while respecting what is permitted in Islam. Here is a list of some Nasheed singers that have gained popularity through their amazing voices and inspiring lyrics that send forth a positive message: 1.     ...