Nasheeds - Awakening Spirituality

In Islam, Nasheeds are written and sung to praise Allah and express love for the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H). The poetry is selected very carefully to awaken spirituality. It is sung in such a way that it re-awakens and enriches feelings that one has for his creator. Islamic singers have been inspiring many for a long time.

Islamic Nasheed only used vocals previously and no musical instruments, as there is a widespread belief about their non- permissibility in the religion. However, the past decade saw quite a few changes. They are used to bring people towards the teaching of Islam and to show what real Islam is. Modern day Islamic singers are using musical instruments to entice people towards the teachings of Islam and bring them closer to their true creator.  They have been able to inspire millions of souls.
Usually, nasheeds are written to teach about the teachings of Islam and spread the message of the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H). They address adults, children and people from all walks of life. Although, some religious scholars still have their reservations about Islamic singers and Islamic music, but if we look at the meanings and power of these words, there is no denying the fact that nasheeds have been bringing millions closer to Islam and to Allah.

 Their soulful purpose is to promote peace and harmony not just among Muslim Ummah but among people from all religions. This is why we have seen a number of Islamic scholars using this platform to spread the true meaning of Islam and break stereotypes regarding the religion. They have been able to capture the audience from world over.

Spiritual Awakening

Most of the people today are unaware of what a vital role the spirit plays in their lives. This is because it is hidden and is often neglected as one gets engulfed in the worldly needs and whatever is tangible. However, the fact of the matter is soul and spirit play an integral part in giving one internal peace and harmony. Once a person experiences spiritual awakening, only then can he or she live in complete harmony.

Islamic singers have been very creatively doing this as they talk about the reason for our creation, gratitude and how one should lead their life according to the teachings of Allah and the sunnah of the rusool. The modern day Nasheed with their deeply emotional words, the mellow music and prominent devotional character inspire a taste of religion and help in awakening the spirituality. The realization of what a soulful nasheeds power has given rise to its popularity and the number of Islamic singers.

Islamic Nasheeds

Islamic Nasheeds are written to often praise Allah and thank him for all his blessings. Often most of us lack gratitude; nasheeds help one in realizing this important aspect of our lives. A life full of gratitude is a happy life. Our lives would be meaningless without a sense of responsibility and faith. Nasheeds give you inner peace as they re-awaken the spirit of humanity, tolerance and humbleness. This is why people love to read, write and listen to nasheeds. When one listens to these soulful nasheeds you can almost feel yourself being transformed into a peaceful state.

Nasheeds in UAE

Just like everywhere Nasheeds are very popular in Uae as well. There are professional writers as well as religious Sufi singers who have been able to inspire many with their beautiful words from UAE. Ahmed Bukhatir is a very popular name among nasheed singers from UAE. Bukhatir has been the only singer from the region from genre of Islamic songs to top the local music charts, with his album “Hasanat” in 2007. Some of the other popular names in UAE include Mishary Rashid Alafasy, Zain Bhika, Saif Adam, Sami Yusuf and Yusuf Islam.

Islamic songs or nasheeds have enjoyed resurgence over the years. These Islamic singers have gained pop star status and have performed for full arenas and their popularity just keeps on growing with time.  


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